attack cat.
yes, this is my leg. yes, those are bite marks. no, i did not get bit by a rattlesnake. i was bit by mickey. here's the story. we had just gotten into bed and mickey was playing out in the living room. he was meowing (which he rarely does) but i just figured he was playing. then he started to make that low, whining noise that cats outside on the farm used to make at night when they were about to fight. mickey has never made that noise before. i decided to investigate. i found mickey in front of the sliding glass door crouched down and tail as big as can be. i said, "mickey, what is it?" and i thought he heard me. whatever he saw moved to the side of the doors and mickey being the smart cat he is, followed the mystery animal and jumped up on the kitchen counter so he could see out of the kitchen windows. i walked up to the sliding glass door to turn on the outside light. apparently mickey didn't hear me before, but he sure heard me now. the only problem is, he thought that i was the intruder coming in from outside and he full-on attacked me. knocked me over and bit my leg. he bit my leg. good attack kitty. we are friends again.
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